miercuri, 17 septembrie 2008

beeing LCP

I tell to everybody that it is the most challenging and best position that you can have in AIESEC. Since before becoming LCP I have often wondered if I would be a good LCP? Now I stand and ask myself how does a good LCP look like? Is a good LCP the one who reaches all his goals, is he the one who builds the best team, is he the one that creates the most change agents.
I have often found out that a good LCP is the person who can take the most punches and rise up, wipe "the blood" and the tears saying "Ok. I think we should...". Right now standing down and looking up I see people around me asking me to help them, while some kicking me back down and others just looking in other directions. Somewhere in the distance I see our objectives and image of 7 people on the beach in May.
My choice is to rise up, build one team and reach our goals for at the end I will not ask myself if was a good LCP, rather ask myself have I done everything possible to be my best as LCP? and then I will ask the people around if I was a good LCP.
For those reading the blog and thinking one day to be LCP just ask yourself: What will the people say about you when you finish your term.

2 comentarii:

Ale spunea...

yap...You are for sure having one of the best experiences you can have in AIESEC!

So, have you answered your question for youself when you applied for LCP?

what will people say at the end of your term about you?


romeo spunea...

Domle , mi-a placut acet post. Nu de alta dar ma regasesc intre rendurile tale.

bravo prietene si tine-o tot asa.

rezultatele se vor vedea dupa ce iesi d epe mandat.

te salut ,

p.s. am auzit ca ai planuri mari, scriene despre asta