miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008

Life long learning

I will start this post with 2 basic assumpions:
1. we only have one life to live
2. when we lose everything, and we are naked and alone the one thing that matters is who we are as a person, what we know and are able to do

A smart guy I met at a conference, I recently attended, said it doesn't matter what you have but how fast you can make it back.
Building on the two assumptions and the smart guys quote I wonder what is my real value and what do I do every day to add more. What do I do to sharpen my abilities, learn more and be less and less dependend of the things I own knowing that I can (re)generate them due to who I am and can do.

3rd assumption: living is a series of choices we make every day

Building on the 3 the logical assumptions, and the smart quote I can come up with 2 conclusions of my own:
1. I only have one life to live
2. I will invest more in sharpening my abilities and beeing the best me I can be

and a smart quote, from not so a smart guy. Life long learning is a process and a matter of concious choice. Chose the opportunities that help you grow, enjoy the process and add more value to yourself, every day.

Just ask yourself: What have I learned today?

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